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Precision Engineering Surveys (PES) is a high end survey Company specialising in Traditional Surveying, Laser Scanning and Reverse Engineering Solutions, primarily for Process and other Industries. With a unique mix of personnel with survey and design process experience, PES applies these techniques safely, efficiently and effectively to collect As built data. Information for revamp projects, and to provide data for reverse engineering applications for Offshore Platforms, Refineries, Mining sites, Process Plants, Equipment, Construction Assistants,  Food Process, Pulp & Paper and Recycle Facilities

PES main goal is to provide accurate As built information for the benefit of our Project Partners to enable them to maintain accurate as built records, minimise shutdown times and work towards eliminating  rework.

As PES is a registered ISO 9001 company, PES achieves this by using documented processes and procedures which allows PES to meet our clients & project partner’s needs.  With the ability to capture detailed information from as small as flange skewness and bolt hole rotation through to complete process plants.

PES knows they have a solution to meet your needs.

For Specialists In Site Capture Technologies

For more information on our range of Site Capture Technology solutions.